Building a Multiple Choice Quiz | Java


  1. There will be one player.
  2. The game will have some questions.
  3. Four options for each question to choose from.
  4. Each correct answer earns a point, whereas incorrect answers just don’t count.

Welcome Panel:


Multiple Choice Quiz

How it works window:


Multiple Choice Quiz

"About" window:


Multiple Choice Quiz wadiemendja

we're going to use quiz2 class to create Questions, answers hints in an objects:

The Quiz game interface:


Multiple Choice Quiz Interface

Score panel:


Multiple Choice Quiz Score

Main Class:

This applet may be freely copied and used by others.
I) In order to run the applet properly, you need to Download the java classes above and follow the steps :
  1. open your terminal (or cmd).
  2. go to the path of your classes' file. (cd \path "on windows").
  3. compile your java files (use the command " javac *.java ").
  4. run you java program (main class wich is
  5. done
II) Now in order to add or change the question of the quiz follow :
go to the main class ( there is an array of objects called "qObj" represented :
       quiz2 [] qObj = {

        new quiz2("Question 1","op1","op2","op3","op4","op1","hint 1"),
        new quiz2("Question 2","op1","op2","op3","op4","op4","hint 2"),
        new quiz2("Question 3","op1","op2","op3","op4","op3","hint 3"),
        new quiz2("Question 4","op1","op2","op3","op4","op2","hint 4")
  • Put your questions on "Question 1,2.." attribute.
  • p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 are the choices.
  • the 6th attribute is the correct answer (so put the correct answer of the question there).
  • hint 1 , hint 2 ... are the hints of the correct answers.
If you wanna add other question all you have to do is : creating a new object from the class quiz2 and add it to the array "qObj":
        new quiz2("Your question","option 1","option 2","option 3","option 4","correct answer","Hint"); 
III) The timing : if you want to give the player more time to answer the questions there is a int variable called time in the main class:
        int time = 60 // time by seconds
you can change it to whatever you want.

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