Firebase Hosting is built for the modern web developer. Websites and apps are more powerful than ever with the rise of front-end JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular and Vue. Whether you are deploying a simple app landing page or a complex Progressive Web App (PWA). Firebase Hosting gives you the infrastructure, features, and tooling tailored to deploying and managing websites and apps.
Using the Firebase CLI, you deploy files from local directories on your computer to the Hosting servers. You can also view and test your changes before going live. Using the Firebase Local Emulator Suite, you can emulate your app and backend resources at a locally hosted URL.
1- Init your project:
To be able to use the "firebase" command in your terminal, first you need to have nodejs installed and then install the firebase CLI using the following command:
npm install -g firebase-tools
Initialize your project: now you can run the command:
firebase init
Next you can choose an existing project or create a new one. after that choose hosting, and now you're ready to start coding your app.
2- Test you app:
You can test your code by running a local server in you machine. use the command:
firebase serve
Now you can go to localhost:5000 and try you app.
3- Deploy you app:
Deploying app to firebase hosting only takes one command:
firebase deploy
Further details and step by step process will be in the following video:
Live demo: